Roberto Zecca (1946) after studying art and some apprenticeship years at the Graphic Marangio, from July 1963 he started his carreer as graphic designer, illustrator and interior designer promoting working relationships with the most qualified studies and printing companies in the region (Stucci Diffusion Bari, Spem Bari, Line 80 Company graphics Corato,Italgrafica South Bari), some of which he served as art director. In the early seventies he opened his own studio of design, advertising and interior design services.
For more than 30 years he has been associated with AIAP Italian Association of Creative and Visual Communication professionals, TP Italian Association of Advertising Professionals and BEDA European Bureau of European Designers Associations. His graphic works are published in some of the most qualified Italian yearbooks (Advertising in Italy, Omnibook and others).
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